Sunday, May 25, 2014

Causes of a Displaced Uterus


A displaced uterus disrupts hemodynamic and homeostasis”.  “The function of the uterus depends on proper flow”   Dr. Rosita Arvigo
"The uterus is a woman's second brain, if she is out of balance, so is the woman." Don Elijio Panti, Maya medicine man and Dr. Rosita's teacher

1)    Repeated pregnancies close together with difficult deliveries

2)    Inadequate professional care during pregnancy, delivery, postpartum

3)    Carrying heavy burdens just before or during menstruation and too soon after childbirth

4)    Walking barefoot on cold floors or wet grass, sitting on cold wet surface

5)    Wearing high heel shoes

6)    Running on cement surfaces

7)    Injury to the sacrum or tailbone from a fall, severe blow, or car accident

8)    Chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements

9)    Poor alignment of pelvic bones with the spinal column

10)                       Carrying children on the hip for prolonged periods of time

11)                       Modern life:  too much sitting, feeling of constant overwhelm

12)                       Emotional armoring from rape, sexual abuse, or incest

13)                       Aging and the pull of gravity on the ligaments

14)                       Career in high impact dancing, aerobics, or sports

15)                       Chronic cough

16)                       Surgical procedures

17)                       Motor vehicle accidents

Receiving a session from an Arvigo practitioner and learning the Arvigo self care massage helps the reproductive organs by relaxing tight ligaments and toning weak ones, facilitates the movement of arterial and venous blood, moves congested lymph fluid and nodes and opens up energy channels that are stagnant, so that nutrients, disease fighting agents, hormones, proper nerve signals, and Qi flow efficiently through the whole body.  Each individual then has more capacity for balance and healing.


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