Saturday, December 28, 2013

Our visit to Haiti

   I was in Haiti most of the past three weeks visiting my parents, who have lived there for the past 4 years.  They are currently living in the southern coast of Haiti, a four hour car ride from Port-au-Prince and then 15 minutes on a very bumpy dirt road, so bumpy that one time my head shook so hard that one of my head hairs fell out!!  Haha!   Yell
     The compound that my parents live in my father helped direct the project with funds from the Taiwanese government: there are six simple one story stucco houses for the local and Taiwanese staff, several office and conference buildings, and a large complex to sun dry, store, and mill rice that is grown locally.  It is the only rice processing facility in all of Haiti of its size, and the rice is then sold to an NGO that then distributes it to local hospitals, charities, and schools.  The compound is surrounded by fields of sorghum, millet, corn, rice, and rustic farms.  It feels like we are "in the middle of nowhere" but really the dirt road continues for miles in several directions and many people live and farm here. 
     Inside this 12 acre complex, my husband and I spend much time in what feels like a  retreat.  Many mornings we wake up between 5-6 am to watch the sunrise and meditate; then I practice qi gong while Alex plays his trumpet in choreography to my movements.  We read a lot, eat Chinese comfort food from fresh vegetables and seafood, take long naps, Alex plays basketball with the Taiwanese men in the afternoons (I played twice) and go to bed by 9 pm usually because there is no TV nor DVD and the internet connection is unreliable.  A few times I venture out to walk along the dirt road to a local store 1/2 mile away where Alex buys beer.  
     The first time we venture out is a culture shock, even though we know it will be:  many people stare, a few stretch their palms out to ask for money, a few children tease us, most people do not greet us, instead they give us what we perceive as a fierce look.  We do not speak French nor Kreyol.  Being stared at is familiar to us having been in Haiti 3 years ago, it is familiar to me also from having grown up in Central America from age 4-18 and being one of the few Asian people, but Haitians are different from Central Americans.  
     As we continue to walk down the road, an intuitive message comes to me that the adults and children we pass are deeply absorbing with all their five senses what they were noticing in us as we pass by.   I am suddenly aware of what body language, slight facial expression, or thought I may be emitting as I walk and realize that what I perceive from the passerby's may be a mirror to myself.  My heart opens to the idea of how strongly intuitive these people may be but Alex reminds me that we all perceive strongly with our senses, the difference is that in this situation we are walking by in silence, there is not that much hustle and bustle around us except for the occasional pickup truck and motorcycle and we are locked momentarily eye to eye, "feeling" each other for the first time.  I try to relax.
     One thing we learned on our last trip to Haiti is that many Haitians are not that interested in America, being American nor copying mainstream mannerisms of this country; this is quite different from other countries.  So with this in mind, and with my desire not to attract even more attention than we would anyway, I step back from my usual longing to "connect" and I just be.  So when we reach the store where Alex buys a beer and we sit outside the door on a bench, a group of children stare at us and giggle.  They point for me to take off my hat and when I do, they giggle even more.  The girls are laughing at my straight hair, so different from theirs.  I laugh with them and mime that my hair is not curly and kinky.  Alex takes out his recorder and plays a few tunes, one which is Haitian.  After the initial few minutes of novelty with his playing, the children turn their attention to the huge flat screen TV with a Chinese martial arts movie that is playing inside the store.  This actually makes me feel relaxed to not be the center of attention for a few minutes. 
     Alex finishes his beer, we thank the store owner, and we walk back on the dirt road.  On the way back Alex starts to say Bonjour to some of the passerby's and children who stare.  I wave at some of the children.  They say hello back and wave.  We are all a little more at ease.  We get back to the complex and we both feel wiped out from the apparently relaxed stroll down the road.  A lot of information is transmitted and absorbed and we both feel the energetic intensity of being alert.   I write on my gratitude list all the lessons that I learned from  just this brief past hour.
     It gets easier for us venturing out.  I learn that if I start laughing warm-heartedly at a child when they stare they are likely to laugh back, if I wave they wave, if I say hi they say hi and if I don't say anything and just stroll, it's ok too.  I learn from Alex who one time played music into a 3 year old's outstretched palm in response to being asked for money and the boy just laughed and so did his family, that I don't have to feel the need to give something material when someone we pass asks us for something.  I learn to be comfortable either to blow the child a kiss in the air, to laugh in genuine amusement at their audacity, to say no without any anger or guilt, and that most of the time they will be ok with that.   
     I walk with Alex a few more times, once we go to the convent school nearby where my parents buy eggs, fresh baked bread, and chicken.  Alex feels the need to walk and interact more than I do, so he gets familiar with some of the children down the road as he plays music out; he is also taken to a full moon drumming party in the woods across from our complex where he says the rhythms were intense but the people were relaxed.  
     On one of the last days there, we play for a family of children, their mom, and nearby relatives in their front yard.   The oldest girl in this family had been adopted to the USA, so she speaks perfect English and tell us that many people on the road wonder where we walk to, these two foreigners, and why Alex always carries a backpack with bottles clinking inside.   When he explains it's to return the beer bottles, the girl points us to a store owned by her cousin that is much much closer, but without her telling us we would never have known, there is now sign outside.  Similar situation, the children start out looking and smiling at us shyly as we play Latin American songs, the two Haitian songs we know, and a few Christmas carols.  Soon they want to hear more Haitian compa rhythms for them to sing to and before long they are singing at the top of their lungs a host of Kreyol chants and songs, for the pure fun of expressing all "yang" energy.  Just like a wave that builds momentum coming towards the coast, and then crashes and recedes, so does our little gathering.  We say bye to everyone amidst laughs, smiles, waves, and giggles.  
   In many situations, we are reminded that Haitians are a diverse group, even within this 5 mile dirt road of maybe 100 people:  they can be proudly silent, fierce, hard working,  some may be dramatic and opportunistic.  One big difference from Asian culture, they are not afraid to ask for what they want.  There is a general feeling that regardless of how "bad" we on the outside think and see things in Haiti, the Haitians don't really feel there is a problem the way we from the outside feel there are problems.   They are a proud, complex, and diverse group of people.   

The land is still beautiful and abundant, despite areas of deforestation.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Winter, Water, and Reflection

This blog post was first published in December 2013.  It has been updated with tidbits of how to connect with this element and it's associations, and enhanced with another reflective video at the end.  

Water is the first of the Chinese Five Elements as well as the last, it is the turning point that marks the end as well as the beginning.  How so?  Fall (Metal element in Chinese medicine) is the preparation of the dormant stage of winter we are currently in;  the leaves that changed colors last month have now fallen but are compost to nourish new growth in the spring.  During the whirlwind of 2016 and now into 2017, do you feel you are able to hibernate right now?   Are you one to crave hibernation or are afraid of it because it feels like spiraling down a dark hole and hard to come back out?  

Some of us are being pulled by the events happening in the US at the start of 2017 and may struggle to balance our desire to be active in our community and serving others and also taking time to replenish and retract inward.  It may be increasingly difficult to do just one and not the other.  The time has come to do both.  

Here are some suggestions for self care in tune with the Water element, so one can more quickly expand and retract without feeling overwhelmed:  Make note to reflect, meditate, or have a meaningful conversation with another person, make a conscious effort to slow down your pace of walking, breathe deep when you are in the bathroom and taking a shower, say thank you to the water you drink, create a ritual with water, don't rush if you don't have to, let yourself sleep more, feel how warm cooked soups, stews, and freshly blended/squeezed juices taste and feel to you.  This is the season for focusing on balancing our Water element, but the following information is also beneficial for health maintenance and longevity.

The associations of the Water Element in the body are connected to the Kidney and Bladder organs and meridians, which have the following physiological functions in Chinese medicine:

-  Kidneys are the source of the body's vital energy, the "pilot light", both the Yin and Yang
-  Kidneys store essence, which refers to the body's DNA and genes, as well as sexual drive and function
-  Kidneys rule the bones and teeth
-  Kidneys manifest in the head hair and open into the ears as hearing
-  Kidneys are also called the Kidney-Adrenal glands, which in modern Western perspective encompass the adrenals as well as the whole endocrine system.
-  Kidneys helps with the deep inhalation of the Lungs
-  Kidneys control the quality and quantity of urine
-  Relates to winter season, the temperature is cold, the food flavor is salty, connects to the low back and knees
-  Kidney energy becomes depleted with prolonged fear, fright, and trauma especially during childhood and teenage years, overwork, excess physical activity, chronic disease, all addictive behavior including excess sexual activity, multiple close births and excess blood loss for women, a lack of discipline and encouragement during childhood.

There are two ways that the Water element can be out of balance in Chinese medicine diagnosis:  a deficient Kidney Yin condition or a deficient Kidney Yang condition.  One may exhibit a dominance of either Kidney yin or yang deficiency, but can experience symptoms of both; in the general population, Kidney deficiencies may start to show up around age 35 or older as adrenals start being taxed and Kidney essence starts to decline. 

Deficient Kidney Yin condition is distinguished by:

-  Pain and ache in the lower back and knees
- scanty, dark urine
- red tongue
- feeling of fever in the afternoon
- flushing of the cheeks
- insomnia, especially waking up in the middle of the night with difficulty falling back asleep
- night sweats, hot flashes
- feelings of heat in the palms and soles of feet
- infertility, premature ejaculation, anxiety, palpitations, prematurely gray hair, feeling "tired and wired"

Deficient Kidney Yang condition is distinguished by:

- chronic fatigue and exhaustion
- cold limbs with difficulty getting warm
- frequent urination daytime or night time
- edema/water retention in the lower limbs
- achy knees
- diarrhea, especially urgent in the morning
- poor appetite
- difficulty losing weight over a long period of time
- infertility, low libido

Both the Kidney Yin and Yang deficiencies are like "burning the midnight oil" or "running the engine near empty" consciously or unconsciously.

What are ways to nourish Kidney energy from Chinese medicine perspective?

- Start with lifestyle habits that nourish and strengthen the GUT/Digestive System.  From the Chinese medicine Organ/Element association, we refer to this as the Spleen system. For more information on Spleen energy, visit this previous blog post Spleen: The Mother of all Elements

- Cultivate deep breathing habits through regular exercise, joyful movement and/or meditation

- Additional ways to balance Kidney energy specifically include consuming dark fruits and vegetables such as red grapes, prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, blue corn, eggplant, seaweed, mushrooms, squash, black sesame seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, black beans, cinnamon, romaine, escarole, endive.  Roasted meats, slow-cooking foods, bone broths, miso soup are also great Kidney tonics.

Was this blog too much information to absorb?  No worries =)  Just watch these two videos of water, breathe in how they make you feel and replay that feeling in your mind's eye throughout the day or come back and watch them again.  You will naturally embody the energy of water.   This is a video of a creek from a hike on the first snow in Durham of 2017, view it from YouTube to get the full sound effect of the water and watch the snowflakes:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The MOTHER of all the Elements is...

Rice fields at the base of the Himalayan Mountains in Central Nepal 3-week trek in 2011
LESSONS FROM OUR SPLEEN:  Chinese Medicine Wisdom

Excerpted from Helping Ourselves: A Guide to Traditional Chinese Food Energetics

·       Organ of adaptation, nourishment, and support: We learn from infancy how to adapt to our environment and have our needs met

·       Physical digestion is “transformation and transportation” of nutrients

·       Mental digestion is processing information:  “Food for thought”

·       Emotionally about obtaining and giving emotional nourishment and support

·       Developing and cultivating an internal source of home, nourishment, and support.   Is there enough "sweetness" in your life?  Or does the "excess" caring turn into worry?

·       Belief in deserving nourishment and trust that there will always be enough

·       Fascia and soft tissue are a function of our support and containment (tone to our body).  When fascia is free to move and respond, we feel “at home”, comfortable, and supported by our bodies from the inside out.

·       Stronger the Spleen, stronger we are with its physical, mental and emotional connections


·       Physically:   STRETCH, exercise, MASSAGE, nourishing physical contact, discipline in consciously choosing to consume whole foods

·       Mentally:  Meditation, Law of Attraction, affirmations

·       Emotionally:  Honor and attend to our needs

·       Spiritually: Connection with earth, Mother Earth and the Divine Mother
When attending to digestion and dietary issues, consider the above perspectives.  We can strengthen our digestion through working with any of the above levels; change in one level will resonate throughout the Spleen’s entire sphere of influence.

What are some Spleen nourishing foods?
Sweet potatoes, onions, cabbage, corn, apples, pears, rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, barley, potatoes, cherries, dates, figs, beets, carrots, squash, mushrooms, almonds, coconut, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.  Meats, fish, beans, nuts, and sweeteners are highly tonifying to the Spleen and are used in moderation in order to avoid creating conditions of heat (inflammation), dampness, and phlegm.  Avoid high glycemic sweeteners like those made from cane sugar and opt for low glycemic ones like coconut palm sugar and stevia.  Also note I did not include wheat due to its high gluten content, for more information on wheat sensitivities Wheat Belly  by Dr. William Davis on the effects of overconsumption of wheat products.
©      EnJOY your food!
©      Positive attitude
©      Time for relaxation
©      Choose foods with strong life force
©      Take time to enjoy preparing and cooking your food
©      Chew well:  “The stomach has no teeth”, digestion starts in the mouth, chew 30 times before swallowing
©      Stop just before you are full (7/8 full)
©      Don’t flood the stomach, literally:  4 oz with meal, soups ok, excess liquid dilutes digestive juices in the stomach
©      Don’t overchill the stomach with cold, raw foods:  what happens to muscles when cold?
©      Foods that are too hot in temperature can damage digestive enzymes
©      Eat in season and simply as often as possible
©      Eat main meal early, focusing on breakfast and lunch, digestion slows down in the evening.  Stick to regular meal times.
©      Smaller meals, NOT snacks, help stabilize blood glucose
©      Trust your body, over time we can cultivate the skill of separating our cravings and addictions from deeper levels of guidance
From Dr. Herbert Shelton, School of Natural Hygiene in Texas
Protein, carbohydrates/starch, and fats require different enzymes for digestion and vary in how long and what medium they need to break down into absorbable components.  Proper food combining helps with more efficient absorption and assimilation of nutrients.   General rules:
·        Fats and starch go with vegetables
·        Protein goes with vegetables
·        Protein does not go with starch
·        Do not combine different classes of proteins at the same meal ( ie egg with meat, cheese with meat, beans with cheese)
·        Eat proteins and starches at different meals
·        Melons and watermelons “Eat them alone or leave them alone”
·        Leave fruit for 30 minutes before a meal, or 1 hour after a meal
·        Desert the desserts

One of the most nourishing ways to tend our Spleen is through abdominal massage, here are three ways to experience Dr. Arvigo's work based on ancient Mayan abdominal bodywork:

1)   Book a session with me for an Arvigo abdominal therapy session

2)  Attend a one day Hands on Health the Maya Way class

3)  Attend the transformative 2.5 day Arvigo Self Care Class Level 1 January 31-February 2, 2014.  Visit the Arvigo Therapy to register for the Arvigo classes or my website Armonia Holistic Health for my teaching schedule

If you have any questions about the Spleen and it's associations with the other Elements in Chinese medicine, I'd be happy to discuss it with you at your next individual session.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer is getting hot!

"The supernatural forces of summer create heat in the Heavens and fire on Earth; they create the heart and the pulse within the body...the red color, the tongue, and the ability to expresss laughter...they create the bitter flavor, and the emotions of happiness and joy."
     The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, the earliest written record on Chinese medicine theory, over 2000 years old, is still used today
These are the associations and correlations of the Fire element:
-Governs Blood, which nourishes self-love
-Houses the Spirit, called Shen in Chinese, which maintains the emotional connection between humanity and the divine
-Manifests in the face and opens to the tongue
-Emotions are joy, love, and compassion
-Season is summer
-Flavor is bitter
-Color is red, like fire
-Climate is heat
-Internal organs are Heart and Pericardium (Heart Protector), Small Intestine and San Jiao (Triple Heater)

Fire tends towards excess types of signs and symptoms, with the sheer heat of the season, but also can be from excess activity and stress or stimulation from the outside environment: high stress job, going non-stop, frequently watching and reading negative news, feeling the "demands of others" and the weight of responsibilities.  These influences can be felt at any season, but notice if you feel particularly sensitive to these "assaults on the Heart" during this season.  An example: if you are a caregiver, how long can you continue giving if you don't love and take care of yourself?  Can you give to others from a vessel, the body, that is empty?
These signs and symptoms, when present for an extended period of time, indicate the Fire element being out of balance:
-dream-disturbed sleep/vivid dreams
-inability to concentrate
-timidity, being easily startled
-stuttering or being overlly talkative
-forms of schizophrenic mania

From Lorie Eve Dechar's Five Spirits:  Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing, on a spiritual/Shen level, disharmony in this Element can manifest as:
-Person's personality does not fit the life he or she is living
-Lack of inspiration and insight
-Ambivalent sense of self
-Much activity but no center nor grounding
-No self-reflection
-Inability to distinguish real from unreal

Anything that upsets the Heart upsets the Shen!  Sudden emotional trauma, shock and abuse can cause a Shen disturbance.  In Maya spiritual healing as taught to me by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, emotional trauma or shock is treated through spiritual baths which involve using water, fresh herbal plants, burning of copal incense, and the most important ingredient: prayer.  More information can be found in her books Rainforest Home Remedies and Spiritual Bathing: Traditions from around the world

Deep seeded disturbance of the Fire element, such as psychosis and mania, requires professional assistance and a holistic approach to healing, but there are several self-care tools that will balance our Fire element, calm our Shen and bring us closer to harmony with Nature and ourselves:

-Slow down enough to be aware of what your body and Heart are tell you
-Bring a meditative quality into your daily activities
-Cultivate a sitting practice
-Journal, paint, draw
-Practice the self care tools you already know
-Take that vacation you are longing for
-Take time to listen before acting, wait for clarity
-Wear red and bright colors if you feel "lacking in fire"
-Have fun with water and around bodies of water
-Incorporate bitter foods into your diet: arugula, romaine lettuce, sprouts, watercress, dandelion greens, aloe juice, turnips/radishes, asparagus, celery, quinoa, amaranth, citrus pith and peel
-Eat more salads and lightly cooked foods, but not over indulge in iced foods or cold beverages as these damage digestive enzymes and taxes the digestive energy
-Incorporate teas and beverages that are mildly diuretic such as hibiscus, corn silk (this is one of my favorite teas when I buy fresh corn!), chamomile, spearmint, coconut water

I share with you two of my favorite quotes on love:

When you become a lover of what is, the war is over.    Byron Katie, author
The only positive energy that truly exists is love, and the greatest expression of that is loving yourself.  Don Juanito, northern Peru Amazonian shaman

In-Joy summer in whatever form your inner guidance wishes for you!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring as Growth

Greetings to All and Happy Spring!

Spring is a time of birth, change and rapid expansion. The Chinese medicine element or energetic phase for spring is Wood. Just as spring is the time for plants to quickly pierce the ground and for trees to flower, it also represents birth and the quick growth of children and infants. Therefore, the Wood element is concerned with movement, with motivation, and with the harmonious flow in our lives.

A healthy Wood element person is sure of oneself and can speak up for one’s needs, but also knows when to relax the urge for control and go with the flow. Many great visionaries such as Martin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandi have strong Wood elements. An example in nature is bamboo: the main stalk is very straight and firm but can also easily curve and bend with the wind.

The principal organs of the Wood element are the Liver and Gallbladder. The energy of the Liver ensures the smooth flow of Qi/Energy in the body and prevents such Liver Qi stagnation problems such as:

* spasms

* tight muscles

* painful menstruation

* continuous sneezing, itchy eyes from hay fever

* nervous tension, anger, frustration

* premenstrual symptoms

* constant hiccups, belching, or gas

* pounding headache

* feeling of restlessness with lethargy   How can we balance our Wood element if we experience any of the above symptoms or feel a lack of motivation or vision? Here are some suggestions:

* Increase intake of vegetables, particularly green vegetables. If your digestion is sensitive or you have a hard time digesting certain foods, eat more lightly cooked vegetables, rather than raw.

* Look at the green in nature whenever you have spent several hours reading or at a desk. Green helps children focus and relax. Rub your bare feet over green grass. Place plants inside your house (ie bamboo is very easy to maintain in water and moderate light).

* Include a moderate daily amount of sour foods such as lemons, seasonal berries, limes, pickles, berries, organic yogurt, apple cider vinegar, locally made sauerkraut

* Exercise, stretch, play. Movement keeps the Liver Qi from stagnating.

* Get enough sleep because the Liver Blood replenishes at night; insufficient Liver Blood leads to energetic stagnation. This is particular for women, since Liver blood is intimately connected to menstrual blood.

* On a psycho-emotional level, Wood energy is about unfulfilled desires, but rather than figuring out "what am I supposed to be doing with my life?!", in other words, big life questions, focus on a present moment frustration that arises.  For example, if you are not a morning person and you are easily stressed in the morning, take a moment next time you find yourself frustrated, just a few seconds, to ask yourself, "What is happening at this very moment that I am frustrated?  What is the unfulfilled desire at this very moment?"  See what arises.  You do this enough times, you will find that answers will come easily, and your Liver Qi will flow more freely, allowing for more awareness to tackle deeper issues.